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Italy will maintain the restrictions after the christmas holidays

Correspondent in Rome



Before the third wave of the Covid, which is given by the fact that you’re at the gates, the Council of Ministers approved in the early morning hours continue with the restrictive measures after the christmas holidays. The country stays from 7 to 15 January in semicuarentena, looking for a certain normality, but with some closures. The increased tension within the government has created with the date of opening of the schoolwhich , in principle, was scheduled for the 7th of January. The students of high schools, after weeks of lessons at a distance, they will return to class on January 11, but with the presence of only 50%. The elementary school and the media itself will open regularly on the 7th day. But it all depends on the curve epidemiological. The virologist Fabrizio Pregiasco considers that the school constitutes a risk for the spread of the virus and it is right, in your opinion, which will open progressively. Several regions, such as Trademarks, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia intend to begin classes the 1st of February, but the government has asked them to give back in their ordinances. The president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, is reluctant to follow the line of the government, with the argument that his advisers on the Covid advise that you not start the classes until February.

From the 7th of Januarythe country returns to yellow zone and becomes orange during the late semanto. This means that in the days of “yellow,” it will be possible to move from one municipality to another, but will be forbidden to move between the regionsexcept for reasons of work or health. Restaurants and bars will be open until 18:00. After, you can only serve food and drink to carry, with the prohibition of consuming them in close proximity to the local. In terms of the days marked with the symbol “orange”, the citizens can leave home from 5:00 until 22:00with a certification to justify their displacement, but is prohibited from leaving the municipality. The bars and restaurants will remain closed throughout the day, as long as they can open the shops, hairdressers and beauty centers.

The curfew it keeps starting at 22:00. You will be able to visit friends and relatives, but with a maximum of two people.

In Italy have passed away 75.680 people by the coronavirus since February 21. The infected have been 2.166.244. On Monday, there were 348 deaths and 10,800 new infections.

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