
The’re brits shot up the consumption of Viagra for fear of a Brexit hard



The demand of the small pldoras blue and other treatments for the dysfunction erctil is mixed 40% in the weeks prior to the departure of the Uk from the Union European, where there was an increase for fear of a possible lack of supply


Boxes of Viagra.

The fears of a Brexit hard led to a massive increase in the sales of Viagra before the departure of the Uk of the EU.

The demand of the famous pldoras blue and other treatments for the dysfunction erctil is uneven a 40% in the eight weeks before the Uk cut the ties with Brussels, according to published Daily Star.

The’re brits were unnerved by fears that the Viagraproduced in Ireland, escaseara in 2021, after the pas is separated from the EU following a departure prolonged. However, the farmacuticas made an appeal for calm by ensuring that there would be no shortage of supply. “There is No need to worry about the shortage of drugs for the dysfunction erctil Viagra”, ensuring this through the doctor Daniel Atkinson, the farmacutica EveAdam.

“There are No supply problems at this time with the drugs for the dysfunction erctil. Then, if you are affected by the dysfunction erctil est and looking for treatment, the Brexit will not prevent to get the help you need”, aadi. And it is already after the referndum of 2016 the demand for Viagra increased a 482%.

The drug, available without prescription in the Uk from 2018, occurs in Ringaskiddy, now nicknamed Viagra Falls. In 2018, it was reported that they were stored a million of pldoras in the Uk for fear of a Brexit hard.

There has been fears of widespread on the business issues that surgiran when the Uk left the EU.

The first trade difficulties are “only the tip of the iceberg” as businesses adapt to the new demands after the Brexitaccording to the expert in compliance with Hurricane Commerce.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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