
France discourages masks made at home by the new variants of the Covid-19



The minister of Health has explained that they do not offer enough guarantees in face of this new threat are made in the traditional way and also those made with fabric from category 2


A citizen with a face mask FFP2.

The French authorities strongly discourage you now use masks made in house, but also made that do not warrant a filtration greater than 90 % to the risk posed by the new variants of the coronavirus.

The minister of Health, Olivier Vran, has justified the new slogan because the High Council of Health, an advisory body of technical character, estimated that they are insufficient to the highest levels of hiv infections that have been put in evidence in some of these strains, such as the one that has proliferated in the Uk.

In an interview to the radio station France Inter, the minister explained that those that do not offer enough guarantees in face of this new threat are made in the traditional way and also those made with fabric from category 2, that only ensure the filtering of 70% of the partculas 3 micrmetros.

We continue to recommend the surgical, as well as the textiles of category 1, which provide filtering superior to 90%.

Vran suggests that based on the test PCR, which are made in France, the strain that has developed in the United Kingdom represent around 1.4% of the positive cases, which means between 200 and 300 journals and around 2,000 in total in the pas currently.

But beyond that figure is relatively small, warned that there are examples that it is a variant of “very aggressive and very contagious”, as the residence is in the region of Pars in the that have already been infected 36 people with that same variant.

That’s why following without excluding be used in the future to a new confinement -it shall be the third party in France – although for now it has chosen to harden the night curfew, which is from the past Saturday starts at 18.00 hours in the pas, and not at 20.00.

The virus circulates much to lift the restrictionsbut less than for our neighbors”, it underlines further be noted that each da is declared in half of some 20,000 cases, figures which have not increased in the last week.

Before the polmicas by the mayors complaining that they can’t get their stocks of vaccines to be expected, the owner of Health said that from here to the end of the week publicarn doses available for each center vacunacin.

On the progress of the campaign, reafirm their objective: “from here to the end of February we will have vaccinated 2.4 million people” and if there is authorization for new vaccines, will reach 4 million.

The minister confirm that there are talks with three farmacuticas to ensure that their plants are able to produce doses of vaccines from other companies that have already obtained authorisation to market them.

As for the debate about the relevance of a “passport vacunacin” that will allow you to do things like travel by plane to their carriers, Vran said, “it is very premature,” given the percentage of population that has had access to vaccines, but “the question is raised not necessarily”.

And, in particular, if it is demonstrated that the vaccines reduce the risk of contagion -aadi-, “that the debate be necessary.”

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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