
Nicols Maduro ups the represin against the media and journalists

The zafarrancho of the revolutionary struggle to start the year against eight independent media have confirmed the roadmap of Nicols Madurothat was not even a secret. The represin contra la oposicin, and against the civil society to continue with ms accent and with ms depth in 2021, although the chief chavez always could argue that the one who warns is not a traitor.

“The second great challenge of the 2021 onwards is the battle of communication”, beyon the ‘son of Chvez’ before the end of

the ao

past in one of his constant interventions on television. “The battle for the truth, to try to win in every neighborhood, in every family, in every urbanizacin, in every community, in networks, in the media, on the streets, on the walls… Media, networks, streets, walls, homes! All win the battle communication!”, order the chief of the revolution.

In the deployment against the few independent media that resist in Venezuela was attended by several bodies of the Government and its repressive forces. In the television channel digital PVR TV, which broadcasts the activities of the Parliament legtimo and the protests that are multiplied by the pas, and stole cameras, equipment transfer, computers and other necessities to continue their work. “This represents a self-evident fact of censorship that prevents the continuity of our operations, and is attentive to the freedom of the press in


“, protest through a communication channel, which takes several days without stream from your pas.

Since its access to power in 2013, Maduro has strengthened and expanded the hegemona communication initiated by Hugo Chvez. And has done so without limits in the audiovisual landscape, which not only controls all the channels of the State, including the international Telesur, the 24-hour service of the propaganda of revolutionary.

Also the private have been accommodated to the commands that arrive from the Palace of Miraflores, in special Globovisin

the news channel bought in 2013 by straw purchasers of chavez, until then trend opposing, and which today defends with ferocity proclamations bolivarian. So much that even acus to the other means of being funded “to overthrow the Government”.

The journal

As Is

founded by the intellectual Teodoro Petkoff, he suffered an attack digital (“a new agresin to freedom of utterance”, a lament to the environment through their social networks) , a move that has become common against independent media and their sum to the crashes that happen on YouTube, Facebook and other platforms to prevent their being known so-called opponents.

On the other hand, against the newspaper


close to the thesis of government, the punishment was temporary: the closure for several days of your edition main in Maracaibo, the second city of the pas. On other occasions, this newspaper has published information that is not liked by chavismo, which requires fidelity to the 100%, including interviews with Rafael Ramrez, former vice president and former czar of the oil, exiled in Italy today, and critical severe of conducting Mature.

Against the digital media Effect Cocuyo, The Whistle, The Estmulo and Caraota Digital the “source of the attack was information manipulated published by the middle English language Daily Maverick, in Venezuela, was replicated by the media prooficialistas, two of them are closely linked because they have the same owner, Globovision and El Universal,” explained to THE WORLD Csar Batiz, director of The Whistle.

In a campaign of smear coordinated from the power, media pro and even the Chancellor denounced “the gross interference of the Government of the United Kingdom in the internal processes of Venezuela. While sequester the gold venezuelan necessary to address the


finance media and organizations of oposicin. We will raise this complaint to the United Nations”, pontific chancellor Jorge Arreaza.

London maintains various programs of aid to the press in passes as Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. The Embassy britnica in Caracas explained through a press release that “we have promoted various projects of cooperation with various independent organizations to support the improvement of the capacity of venezuelan journalists…

We will continue to support civil society in the promotion of the values democrticos and human rights


Opponents, journalists, NGOS, even the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP): all of them are in the center of the target of chavismo to keep the whole thing its power. “It is observed the use of information false or manipulated by the part of the media prooficialistas with the purpose to criminalise and harass the media, to follow in the building of the hegemona of communication, which is one of the characteristics of authoritarianism hegemnicos”, concluded Batiz.

“Welcome to the international support that they can receive the means, any contributions pudiramos collect is for subsistence and does not correspond to any conspiracin or fact spot”, precis the exembajador Emilio Figueredo, editor of Analtica.

The Presidency in-charge, the Church Catholic and passes of the region, such as Colombia (“brutal onslaught against the freedom of the press”) and the united States, came to the step of the revolutionary offensive. “Close means and steal their equipment is part of the non-declared war of dictatorship against citizens,” fustig

John Guaid


“If you break the media, transgressing democracy”, puntualiz the cardinal Baltazar Porras, archbishop of Caracas.

What is behind the new attack against the independent press? Despite the social control, political system and informative that keeps the revolution, chavismo lost years ago the popular support and need of curtains of smoke too thick to attenuate the collapse of national suffering with the pas. The 6-D, the candidates positions have been formed with the 20% of the vote; according to the survey, 14% of supporters and 6% pushed by threats.

“Before the profundizacin of the crisis, the Government invisibiliza their causes”

, rounded the NGO Space Public. “Is the demonstration that the ruling party and its allies do not have effective mechanisms to reach the audience despite the censorship, blocking of the media and persecution of journalists”, sentenci Batiz.

Also in Cuba

In parallel to his “revolution sister”, the castro regime has also launched a campaign of harassment and persecution against independent and alternative media of the island. “The media-dependent cibernegocio against Cuba. Media mercenaries and liars”, pull the chair

Miguel Daz-Canel

on a report of the journal


very similar to the one conducted in Venezuela by Globovisin. “With its strategy annexation is intoxicated social networks”, concluded the bulletin official of the Communist Party of Cuba.

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