
An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 rattles Argentina


The earthquake was felt strong in the argentine province of San Juan (west, on the border with Chile), where he was the epicenter, but also in the neighboring Mendoza

Image of the earthquake occurred in Argentina.

A sesmo of magnitude 6, and eight kilometres of depth he felt strong in the argentine province of San Juan (west, border with Chile), where was the epicenter, but also in neighboring Mendoza, and to a lesser extent in other areas of the country reported in the morning of Tuesday, official sources.

According to the National Institute of Prevention Ssmica, the tremor occurred at 23.46 local time (2.46 GMT Thursday) near the town sanjuanina of Average Waterto the south of the provincial capital, and for the moment have not been informed of injuries or a contabilizacin of daos materials.

“In this moment I want to transmit calm to the families, after the earthquake that we lived in #SanJuan. Let us put into practice all the measures that we have learned to prevent incidents, while you are we doomed to know the impact of the same to collaborate on everything necessary”, wrote the provincial governor, Sergio Uac, on Twitter.

Miguel Castro, of the center sismolgico of Mendoza, said in statements to the channel TN that “being of such a magnitude and such a small depth” is that it has been perceived in other areas of the pasbecause, “the waves ssmicas travel many kilometres, ms when is a scale of this magnitude.”

The expert added that the earthquake made him remember the 23rd of November 1977, which was 7.4 magnitudeaccording to the Richter scale, with 65 dead and more than 300 injured.

“But in this ocasin the epicenter was located about 47 kilometres southwest of the city of San Juan, where there are a series of active faults that belong to the valley of Foot of the Stick. And it is also very close to a fault that is located with an exit to the surface in the Ro San Juan,” said.

Iaron Kolker, neighbor to the center of San Juan, the provincial capital, said the sesmo was “brief”of not more than 10 or 15 seconds, but “moved around”. In their opinion, was only “a huge shock”, as he was able to speak with acquaintances through groups of “and no one, I suffered losses”.

egn explanation, at around 00.45 local time (3.45 GMT) I noticed a new soft tremor. In addition, users of social media of San Juan and other parts of the country, as Crdoba (center) rose vdeos in which there is the tremor.

San Juan is one of the areas with the highest incidence ssmica of Argentinaand it is all where, in 1944, records the worst earthquake experienced in the pas, to caus the death of some 10,000 people. It is for that reason that the buildings prepared to withstand this type of natural events.

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