
Coronavirus Spain today, live | The virus doubles its incidence and left nearly 2,500 dead so far this year

The third wave of the pandemic coronavirus has caused several communities autnomas mark your greatest of infected or dead, while the Government of confa in bending the curve without having to resort to the confinements of home.

The Government has opened the door to the possibility of bring forward the curfew set currently in the decree of the alarm status with restrictions of mobility night between 22.00 and 7.00 hours to contain the coronavirus. Castilla y Len has spent his first advance of the curfew (from 22.00 to 20.00 hours in an environment of uncertainty.

The data of the coronavirus in Spain

    *Source: Ministry of Health

    Total figures: 2.252.164 cases of coronavirus confirmed with test diagnstica of infection active; there Has been 53.314 dead with positive test as of January 15,

  • 306.961 in Andaluca (5.470 dead)
  • 87.008 in Aragn (2.745 dead)
  • 29.913 in Asturias (1.396 dead)
  • 43.947 in The balearic islands (508 dead)
  • 30.972 in The canary islands (466 dead)
  • 19.945 in Cantabria (412 dead)
  • 119.183 in Castilla-La Mancha (4.167 dead)
  • 150.012 in Castilla y Len (5.345 dead)
  • 426.130 in Catalua (8.984 dead)
  • 3.424 in Ceuta (62 dead)
  • 197.372 in the Valencian Community (3.510 dead)
  • 51.108 in Extremadura (1.189 dead)
  • 72.332 in Galicia (1.484 dead)
  • 449.237 in Madrid (12.040 dead)
  • 5.053 in Melilla (48 dead)
  • 74.623 in Murcia (805 dead)
  • 44.849 in Navarre (984 dead)
  • 119.161 in the Pas Vasco (3.094 dead)
  • 20.934 in La Rioja (605 dead)

09.24 DOGC publishes the extension of the restrictions in Catalua for the coronavirus until 24 January

The Official Journal of the Generalitat of Catalonia (DOGC) published today, Sunday the resolution of the Government which extended from morning and during seven das the restrictive measures anticovid to “contain” the epidemic, so that will be in force until the 00.00 hours of the next da 25, reports Efe.

The resolution, signed by the secretary of Health, Alba Vergs and the Interior, Miquel Smper, explains that the purpose of the “preventive and control measures” have as a goal “to protect the health of the citizen and should contain the propagacin of the disease.”

Besides the night curfew between 22:00 and 06:00 hours, the prohibition of social gatherings, whether on the street or in the home, of more than six people if you are not living together, the resolution extended the prohibition of leaving the term city throughout the week if it is not to go to work, to doctor, to make any examination or trmite official inexcusable or other emergency situations and unavoidable.

Also, among the new features, extending the closing edge of all Cataluaexcept for commuting justified and for traffic in transit, and the time constraints of the sector of the restoration, he may serve on the facilities breakfast in the restricted hours of 07:30 until 09:30 hours and meals between the 13 and the 15:30h, while the rest of the da only, may supply food or drink to bring.

09.15 Increase in children with respiratory distress and anguish for the coronavirus

The hospital detected an increase in cases of children with respiratory difficulties and problems psicolgicos linked to the distress that is generated by the pandemic. Pictures of anxiety: the wound invisible to the covid in the nios ms small

08.20 The second batch of vaccines arrives to Argentina in a day, with almost 9,000 new cases of coronavirus

The second batch of vaccines against the coronavirus has arrived to Argentina on a day that should have been detected 8.932 new cases of coronavirus in the country, reports Europa Press.

Some 300,000 doses of the vaccine Russian Sputnik V you have arrived to Buenos Aires this Saturday after a the 16-hour flight from Moscow.

In the last 24 hours, and also have been registered 68 deaths, which means that, so far this pandemic, Argentina has posted 1.791.979 infections and 45.295 deaths caused by the coronavirus.

08.00 Brazil sum 1.050 new deaths from coronavirus to waiting for the approval of the vaccine

Brazil has joined 1.050 new deaths from coronavirus, while waiting for the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) issued the authorization for the emergency use of vaccines after their meeting this Sunday.

In the last 24 hours, have been detected 61.567 new infections bringing the total number of cases 8.455.069, reports Europa Press.

Also, have lost life a total of 209.296 peoplewhile there are other 2.720 deaths that are under suspicion.

Currently there are 856.979 active cases and the situation is extremely serious in the city of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, to which the Government strives to move the bottles oxgeno that are scarce for das.

07.20 WHO confirms 2.001.773 deaths a year of the outbreak of coronavirus

The Organization of the World Health organization (WHO) notific this Saturday 14.718 deaths per Covid-19 in the last 24 hours at a global levelso the deaths of those known to have come to the 2.001.773, a year of the outbreak of coronavirus, which at that time still was limited to China. The number of deaths you have posted is almost a thousand less than the threshold, in spite of which is between the ms high since the start of the pandemic. Again, the positive cases were close to 700,000, bringing the total number of cases global 92.506.811 million, reports Efe.

07.13 Increase unstoppable in the numbers of infections and deaths from coronavirus

The Comunitat Valenciana follow your escalation of record with 7.875 positive ms; Madrid sum 45 dead and 5.847 new cases in the last 24 hours, the virus continues to climb in Catalua: 4.527 new infections and 64 dead ms; Castilla y Len nearly 2.900 cases in a new maximum of the pandemic; Extremadura beat his british record of the infection, with 1.541 casesand sum 14 dead; record of deaths in a day since November in Murcia with 11 deaths; the pandemic in the Basque country back to the figures of November, with 835 cases per day; Galicia records ms of 800 new infections and reaches 11.666 patients; Asturias apply closures and limit economic activities by municipalities, reports Efe.

In short, the virus doubles its incidence and left nearly 2,500 people dead since start 2021.

07.04 China adds 109 new cases of coronavirus, 21 less than on the eve

Recurrences of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the northeast of China, in the provinces of Hebei and Heilongjiang, were the last of the number of new infections in 109, which represents a slight decrease in comparison with the 130 da above, reports Efe.

In the report released this Sunday is counted 96 contagions local among the 109 cases in total.

Of those 96,72 was diagnosed in Hebei.

The authorities of the province decided to extend until the morning gives 19 the quarantine imposed in several cities in an attempt to curb the propagacin of the patgeno.

The number of total infected assets in the mainland of China site at 1.205, 42 of which are serious.

The institution seal, since the beginning of the pandemic, have been infected 88.227 people in the pas, of which 4.635 died.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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