The coronavirus Covid-19 has already surpassed the 90 million cases around the world and there are ms of nearly 1,900,000 deaths.
In December of 2019 began to register in the chinese city of Wuhan cases of a neumona the cause is unknown. A month later, the Organization World HealthWHO) confirms that it is a new type of coronavirus called COVID-19.
The expansion of the coronavirus by the world, he does not refer and WHO to declare a pandemic on the 11th of march. Currently, this disease reaches more than 90 million cases.
The cases of coronavirus in Spain are ms 2.050.000. Besides, ms 51.800 people with coronavirus have died in Spain.
The USA, Brazil, India and Mexico are the passes with a higher number of dead
The virus entr strong in Italy and was the first to take measures of caution. At the beginning in the region of Lombardy, ms affected, and then in the whole of the pas. At present, the Uk is the pas european with the highest number of deaths.
Expansion of the coronavirus in the world
The epidemic of coronavirus extends the passes of the south-west asitico, and is Thailand’s first pas after China, which registered a positive coronavirus. A week later will begin to register cases in the US, Europe and the Middle East.
The disease spreads very quickly compared to other pandemics recent as the flu, which, between 2009 and 2010, reached the 35,000 affected. The epidemic, after being paralyzed in China, has spread to the rest of the world, mainly in Europe and in the united States.
According to the criteria of