
Prime Minister Marin took a job at the age of 15; Did not take loan for admission in college, because there was no confidence to repay

Helsinki. Sana Marin of Finland has become the youngest head of state in the world. At the age of just 34, he was elected Prime Minister. Marin entered politics at the age of 22. In these 12 years, he has traveled from defeat in the first election to the highest post in the country. However, it was not so easy. According to Marin, his childhood was full of difficulties. They are the only child of gay (lesbian) parents. Their mothers got separated in childhood and troubles started here.

Troubled herself, so Marin moved from Helsinki to the town of Parkala after the separation of the worried mothers of the youth . He had to work for pocket money and studies. Marin has written in her blog that she did her first job at the age of 15 at a bakery company in the city of Tampere. When she reached high school, the magazine was also distributed. A few years after graduation, he worked as a cashier in shops. While studying Administrative Science at Tampere University, he worked in the City Youth Office and also as a salesman.

Marin believes that unemployed youth should always get some temporary work. This increases the trust of the youth and society. She never took a student loan for herself, as she was not sure that she would be able to repay it.

Marin supports 4 days a week, total 24 hours of work

Marin participated in the panel discussion this year as Minister of Transport and Communications, marking the 120-year completion of the Social Democratic Party. In it, he said, “Work should be done four days a week and six hours every day. This will be the next trend in the world. ” Marin asked his party to implement the work proposal less days a week. His stand was that instead of eight hours of work every day, it is necessary to spend more time with the family. Apart from this, people should also focus on improving the things of their interest. According to Marin, his success in studies was justified. But outside of school, dancing, sports and walking the dogs was his favorite job. The proposal to reduce his work days was turned down by the opposition. Finland currently has five working days a week and eight hours a day.

Government now commands 5 women in Finland

It is not new for a woman to become Prime Minister in Finland. However, the trend of people entering politics at an early age has started with Marin. A center-left coalition of four other brokers has been formed to form the government under the leadership of Marin. Its command is also in the hands of women. That is, there will be five women heading the government in Finland. Four of them (Sana Marin, Lee Anderson, Katri Kulmuni and Maria Ohisalo) have an average age of 33 years.

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It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.
